Drummer and Percussionist
I have mountains of experience covering the huge territories of Performance, Education, Recording, and Leadership. Here is the short version.
I've performed in Ireland, at Orchestra Hall in Chicago, and various cities, towns, and venues across the midwest. I've played in rock bands, concert bands, percussion ensembles, steel bands, worship bands, orchestras, choirs, jazz bands, broadway musicals, and with electronic musicians/DJs. As a person, I am reserved with a dry sense of humor. With drums I am a commanding presence, without the overreach and sonic domination typically seen in other drummers. I become a whisper, I become a roar. I am what is needed, when it's needed, and my instinct for volume and intensity keeps musical directors, conductors, and audio engineers happy.
I've taught public and private schools, private lessons ages eight through sixty-two. I've written my own drum set method, and have taken on students from begining to advanced. I have also taught drum lines, front ensembles(pits), percussion ensembles, youth bands and more. All of this stems from my two music degrees and eleven years of playing experience. People who thought it would take them years to learn how to play have been supprised to discover that after a few months, they can jam along with their favorite songs. All have developed an understanding of music and rhythm that benefits them for the rest of their lives.
Rock band? Check. Wind Ensemble in Orchestra Hall? Check. Percussion ensemble that aired on PBS? Check. Steel band at JSU, provided for the 2014 PAS steel band for listening reference? Check. Recording Engineering class where I learned how to mix and master? Check.
I own an in-home hardware/software recording studio, where I cover songs and write my own electronic music. This is a current development. I'll be posting the music I cover and create on the Music page, accessible in the top menu.
Music camps for kids, organization and inventory for churches and universities, interum worship leading, president of the Epsilon Kappa chapter of Phi Mu Alpha fraternity, and volunteering with youth groups are a few items on my long list. I have an empowering leadership style, believing that "when all is said and done, the mark of an excellent leader is that the people under them will say 'we did it ourselves'." Strong in administration, I am a go-getter who pursues excellence passionately. Have a project you need to get done on a deadline? Give me a call, I'll keep you on track.
Long version, click on the W