Drummer and Percussionist

August 8,2016
Playing shows around the Nashville area with Shadow Horse. Next one on the 13th at the Warehouse in Clarksville TN.
Playing a show in Gatlinburg with Catalina as a sub on August 28th. Come out if you can!
Taking security license classes on August 9th and 10th. I will be a certified Armed Security guard after that. This will provide a steady source of income as the gigs build. I've been offered a job at HTC on Broadway, where I'll be performing security services while learning the sets and meeting bands. Good deal, if I say so myself!
Future Goals
I want to perform for my living. Teaching was nice for a while, but private lessons and schools are not where my true passion lies. Over and over, I hear "you have the ability and you have the self awareness to know who you are and what you can do, it's just a matter of finding the right connection."
In the interest of searching out this connection and showing off the true professionalism and business savvy that I posess, I'm consolidating my online presence and forging a concrete identity doing what I love to do. Making music. Supporting others. Driving emotions.
The end of my long journey is near. I will find someone who needs a professional drummer who can execute while not overshadowing the artist he supports. The end of the darkness is the beginning of my journey in the light. In the light, I will benifit mankind with the power of music, good for the body and soul.