Drummer and Percussionist
Evan Romack is currently an independent percussionist and instructor in the Greater Chicago area. Evan did not seriously begin playing percussion until his junior year of high school. As a child, he played pots and pans, but eventually acquired a drum kit from the neighbor's garbage. His parents bought him a new kit after the first was stolen, but play time was limited, due to the intense amount of noise it caused in its new location: the living room!
He lost interest in playing for awhile, instead taking piano lessons from his aunt. He enjoyed playing music, but was not interested in learning how to sight read. All the piano recitals he played were from memory. After about three years, Evan was given the option to continue with lessons or quit; he decided the latter.
After he finished his first year at high school in Decatur, Illinois, his mother expressed her desire to see him follow up on music. “Whatever instrument you choose you can play, I will support you,” she said. After a few minutes of thought, Evan decided on drums. Three months of drum lessons later, Evan received his first real drum kit.
In December of that year, Evan became bored with playing along to CDs in his basement and volunteered to fill the drum set position on the worship team at church. This experience of playing with live musicians catapulted Evan's skill to a new level and caused him to seek out more advanced music.
Two years later, as a junior in high school, Evan craved more challenge. He auditioned for the band at Eisenhower and was accepted. He continued to participate in various ensembles at the school, including marching band. The idea of “music in motion” has continued to influence Evan today.
When deciding on College, Evan initially chose Southern Illinois University in Carbondale for their Air Force ROTC program. His father informed him that money was not as big an issue as he had initially believed, so Evan decided he would pursue psychology. After meeting the head of the psychology department in a scholarship interview (and not getting along very well) he was in doubt as to his future degree tract. However, upon entering the music advisement office and hearing the phrase, “you have a Mohawk, you should be a music major,” a new idea dawned. That very same day, Evan switched his major to music, the best decision of his college life to date.
Eight years after receiving his first lessons, Evan became the Graduate Assistant in Percussion and Jazz at Jacksonville State University. He focused on improving his skills (administration, teaching and performing) and filling gaps in his knowledge of latin percussion, steel band, and jazz styles of music.
Friends have always been very important, as they are a family away from home. Evan joined Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia fraternity, where he served as president for a year and social chair/Greek council representative for a semester.
Evan hopes to gain more performance based employment in the future and is coming off a testing year spent in Decatur, Illinois. He is currently gaining real world experience in Elmhurst, his second year out of school. Jazz and Rock are two of Evan's favorite styles, and he plays in separate jazz and rock trios. Evan is an endorser for Mapex Drums and Majestic Percussion.